
Sioufi, October 17th, 2023


Dear Parents,


As part of the orientation service (SOI) and in partnership with TWILY Business (a professional mentor for creating business), SSCC Sioufi will launch a collaboration initiating secondary level students to a new Business experience.


In one day, through a game, your child will have the chance to learn all the essential steps to fulfil his / her dream in the field of business creation (tackle the idea, the marketing and communication strategy, the finance, the mission and vision to the pitching and legal aspects)


Timing: TWiLY Business is delivered thought one day, from 9 AM and will end by a competition in front of the jury at 16:30 PM.

Date: Saturday November 18, 2023.

Location: SSCC Sioufi

Fees: $ 85


Certificates are to be distributed to all participants from TWiLY France and TWiLY Lebanon.

We believe that the participation of your child is beneficial as it is an exceptional learning experience.


For further information, email us on:

Carole Nehme :

Dina El Rai:


To discover TWiLY Business please visit previous sessions with SSCC Sioufi students on instagram @ TWiLYing or visit the website


We are looking forward to receiving your acceptance as well as our youth’s active participation in this program.


Carole NEHME

Career Counselor

SOI Responsible


Collège Des Saints Coeurs Sioufi - Etablissement scolaire homologué AEFE et certifié ISO 9001 :2015
Tél: +961 1 329 111 - Email: - Site:

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